Diane Rapp of Quicksilver novels and I agreed on a cover design for her next book "Dragon Defense" The story describes a scene where some people mainly children, are locked away In a prison hidden high in the cliffs of one of the planets deserts. A plan is hatched to get them all out by flying in one of the planets dragons to a balcony high up on the cliff face. A boat that has seen better days is used as a basket to ferry the escapees away from the desert strong hold.
So the cover had to portray, desert cliffs, dragons with special colored wings and the rickety boat with kids all strapped in and excited.

You can now purchase a poster image of this book cover from the following places.
Luke, I'm very pleased with the cover you designed, which portrays the scene from the book in vivid detail. I'll recommend your services to authors who need a new cover designed.