Before today I have worked for Disney, Mad magazine, Warner's and a host of other independent animation studios. I have also been the ( producer and talent ) of two of my own animation/illustration studios both of which were successful. I am currently a Customer Engineer for Metservice New Zealand, where I work with a bunch of talented guys making weather graphics for TV. ( Someones gotta do it )
I have decided to start uploading some artwork, sketches and cartoons that I am working on for this that or the other reason. So to start I thought I would show you some sketches I do in my spare time. Either riding the bus or sitting at my desk during lunch. I suppose I will call these Daily Sketch.
I have been following the antics of two clever guys in Wichita, KS. They are Paul Klusmanp and TJ. They have some funny youtube videos about cats and cat yodeling, aspect ratios and tuna.
So in honor of their exploits I have started doing some caricatures of them and their cats.
First the roughs:

I have started cleaning these drawings up. They will soon be assembled into a theme I thought I would also start working with the cat images too. Its not that easy getting these cats personalities to shine through but here is the start.

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