Cha ching, cha ching, I love to save money and open source software is by far, for the freeware illustrator, the best way to save and make money. In comparison to market driven " Industry Standard Software", free open source software can have as many features, give similar or better results and cost you nothing to boot. When I was a lecturer at university it was my duty to insure students used 'industry standard" packages, in order to help them slot in to the working world. But since leaving my position and re entering the art and design industry again. I have wondered exactly what is "industry standard" and why do universities insist on adhering to it. In the case of the university I lectured at, "industry standard" was the concept that the most current and used software available is the only software that should be taught to fledgling designers/artists. This in my opinion, is an odd notion and only serves the software companies not the art and design industries. It insures the sales of a select few programs and forces lecturers to promote programs when they should be teaching practical theory. This results in these companies products becoming falsly popular in the arts industry and in turn the "industry standard". That seems like a paradoxical cycle to me. It also means these software companies, don't have to spend money and effort developing better products. They have an established nurtured market that was created in the education system instead of in a cometitive marketplace. I think students need to challenge the software companies. They should be allowed to make the choice what software they use to do assignments. They should also be prepared to find out how to use all sorts of software. University lecturers can then be free to teach correct theory and arts practice as universities once did.
Better Free Software:
By now you will have read about Ubuntu and you now have your operating system. You have had play with the apps it loads and are keen to install some decent design software. The apps I favor for design might differ from yours as you start experimenting and attempt different effects etc. But for now I should point you toward some helpful open source design programs I think should be on your freeware illustrators computer. The first program is already loaded with the standard Ubuntu install. Its name is "Gimp". Although this is an unfortunate name, Gimp is a versatile photo editing and design tool, available in flavors for most operating systems. Likened to Photoshop an "industry standard" program , Gimp is also popular with designers who buy their software. There is a load of good tutorials around the web for Gimp. Youtube will be a good place to start.

The next software is Krita. Krita has some excellent painting style tools and I liken it to software like Painter or Fractal design Painter these are no longer available but in their day considered great programs. Krita is a painting software that emulates real brush strokes and paint effects. I love using it with a graphics tablet that I picked up on eBay for $25. To install Krita in Ubuntu start Ubuntu select Applications and select Ubuntu Software Center. In the search field type Krita, select the Krita icon at the top and choose install and put in your password. Once Krita has installed you can find it under Applications - Graphics. Help for Krita can be found on the Krita forum, click the image below. Oh, Windows and Mac users this software is also available for you. I am trying hard to find cross platform versions of all my software. So for those who want Krita for another OS click

Finally I have to highly recommend Inkscape. Inkscape is by far the most versatile of drawing packages I use. Its features include an ability to trace line drawings and create vector graphics quickly and effectively. This is excellent for clean lines. I would be lost without the trace feature as it is really good for cleaning up hand drawn images I scan in for coloring and effects. There are a few more drawing packages I use but I will go into detail about these later. To install Inkscape use the same method as above. For those who want Inkscape for another OS click