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Sunday, May 25, 2014


If you ever wanted to visualize a room change of your house or your apartment. Or if you just needed to be completely sure of the plans your draftsman has given you. Then you'll be happy to download and use Sweet Home 3D. This very easy to use home modeling software allows you to build walls add windows and doors then populate the rooms with furniture. If you want new furniture you can always search the web for Collada models that others have made available for free. Check it out here

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mocking Up Book Covers

I have been testing the waters with some book cover designs for a couple of Sci Fi Writers. I am also testing the waters with a new gallery display site called Cincopa. So far so good, I really love the results and variety of gallery styles you can choose there. You should check it out at

Here is the one I chose

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

World Domination Defeated By Ubuntu

I just love seeing open source products competing in the mainstream with corporates. Especially when those corporates are trying to dominate the market. Recently the council in Munich handed out DVD/CDs with Ubuntu 12.0 to the public for free. In order to stave off a glut of computers going to the trash bins. As windows xp is no longer "supported" by Microsoft, and older computers require...well older operating systems. The kind Munich municipality council decided to educate, by way of a give away, that there are other alternatives to the vanilla Operating Systems. And to show that you can extend the usefulness of older box's. The story is quite inspiring here is the link

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

I love creativity in people and culture. I also love anything that can improve the lives of those who go without. This orchestra proves we all have potential if given the opportunity to succeed. These teachers and parents don't have much but what they do have, they use creatively. These kids and their orchestra should get booked for performances the world over.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Annabelle's Book Cover Takes Shape

Apparently author Annabelle Utrecht's book 102 is finished and now in "beta reader" stage so I have got to get a wriggle on and finish the cover design, so far so good. I have not yet needed Photoshop or any other commercial product to produce it. I hope to wrap this up without ever needing commercial software. Recently I have tried to get a feel for what the images will look like along side one another. But I am still a little unsure about the work I have done on the 2 so I have left it blank for now. When I feel its ready I am going to post it up here too.

So for now here is the one and the zero side by side.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Zazzle Popularity.

I am currently enjoying some popularity on Zazzle. I had tried out a few illustrations that I had done just for fun. They didn't make great waves of sales for some time but now there seems to be a whole lot off interest in the stickers and Tshirts.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Begun The One in 102

As this is a labour of love, an experiment and little bit of a learning curve with Blender 3d. I am taking my time. The Author Annabelle Utrecht is happy to wait while she refines parts of her book and so far so good. I have never used Blender solely as an illustration software. I use it more as its intended purpose of a modeling and an animation software. I am learning that it can be used to get both an illustrative and photo real look. Annabelle's brief was to try and attempt a James Rosenquist F111 painting feel. So there is a need for an almost hand painted photo realism with a modern twist. The image bellow is of Rosenquist's paneled artwork.

The story in the Rosenquist artwork addresses war and consumerism. But also how the hopes and dreams of middle-class were tied to the economy of war. Annabelle's book is about how culture is always in flux and how ancient cultures are in decay. I have started the 1 in the 102 title, it represents the ancient existing in the now. It is of a small eroded depression with plants eeking out an existence amongst the rubble in the small protected niche.
There is still a way to go.